4. Enter email, and registered password, click , shown below
5. Click on shown below,
6. On the right side of page, please navigate the 3 drop down menus for you to choose your main type of service, specific service requested, and requested specific provider. You may at this time, also either select a specific date on the calendar, or click SEARCH,
and the next available appointments your service provider has, will show up as options. If those options do not work for you, you may go out further on the calendar, choose any date, and the next available appointments from that date forward will show up. Please note, the next available appointments will always appear,
from the date you choose forward. If there are no available appointments on the day you choose, the system will give you the next available options available, on forwarding days.
The calendar will search out for 1 week, if however there are no available appointments, please click search again, and it will search the following week. Continue to click on search to find the first availability. The calendar will only book out for 3 months following the current date.
Click on the appointment time you are requesting, you may also leave a message for your provider in the box below.
Click at bottom of page.
7. After confirming that your appointment detail are correct, click as shown below. Please note: your provider's phone # is listed next to their name for your reference.
8. Your appointment shows up as a future appointment, as shown below. Please note, if you need to change your appointment for any reason, it is best to CANCEL, and rebook it as a new appointment. If you choose ,
or option, the system will .