1) I didn't get a validation code emailed to me after registering, should I register again?
No, please go into your spam folder, your validation code is likely there.
If you have problems retrieving it, call or stop by the salon to register.
2) I don't see my service provider on the drop down list, how can I book with them?
Some providers choose to book all their own appointments.
Please contact them personally by looking up their contact info at the artist gallery.
3) Do I have to have different emails and passwords for everyone in my family that visits the salon?
Yes, you may only have one person per email address; however, you may book all your family's appointments under your name and
write a note in the notes section to your provider indicating the appointment is for your family member.
4) I don't see a service on the list that my provider has done for me before, why can't I book it?
Contact your service provider directly (not the receptionist). It may be a specialty service that the provider did not want people to book on their own, probably because the booking times vary per person.
5) I forgot my login and password
Your login is your email address you entered, and if you forgot your password, click on 'I FORGOT MY PASSWORD', and we will email it to you.
6) When I login, the computer is telling me it is invalid, I had it emailed to me and that is what I am using, why is this a problem?
Your password is case sensitive. If you entered all caps, or a combination of small case letters and capital letters, it has to be entered EXACTLY as when it was registered.
You may change your password by clicking on 'MY PROFILE', and then 'SAVE'.
7) What if I need to change or completely delete my email address?
As long as you are registered from your home computer, you may have your service provider change your email address at the salon.
After the change, you will use your same password with your new email.
8) What if I need to change my appointment time?
Please go in our system and CANCEL, then rebook, your appointment.
If you choose the book similar option, the system will place you with the next available person who can perform the service.
You must choose your providers name, to ensure you will get booked with them.
9) What if I did not receive a confirmation email?
If you have not received confirmation of your booking within 10 minutes, it probably did not go through.
The time slot you were trying to book may have been taken or there may have been a system issue.
Please check to see if it went through by logging in and looking at "Future Appointments" on your home page.
If your appointment is not there, please try booking again.